New Express Diagnostics Service

Sometimes I get requests from executives who need to make an opinion about their company’s candidate.  For this request as a service you receive an express evaluation (diagnostics) of your candidate.

Express evaluation is carried out in order to analyze what skills, abilities, professional characteristics a candidate may exhibit during work and how this relates to the requirements of the current or planned position and corporate culture of your company. Namely, the ability of the candidate to work effectively,  his professional conduct and his personal performance.

Important! I don’t rate a candidate’s qualifications and how good or bad a person is.

Express evaluation consists of:
  • Examining the professional experience of the candidate based on the summary
  • Analysis of the results of special tests and questionnaires that the candidate fills in.
  • Preparation of a professional self-portrait, which will contain the psychotype of the candidate, leading the life engines that motivates him, his leading intellects, that is, what in any case will be manifested during work, his professional behavior, his work in the team, his leadership skills and also his performance evaluation to date.
  • Then we summarize and provide recommendations on professional development for both the candidate and the employer.

The result will be presented in a detailed report, which also contains recommendations for a better proposal to the candidate.

For more information, please send a message to