Psychodiagnostics & Career Assessment​​

The demands on employees change continuously. It is often not known what the person will do at the next level of his job position or after a few years in his company. The skills that an employee possesses today may become useless tomorrow. In this case, an expert on professional identity and development evaluates your professional experience and together with you determines the best career and personal development plan.

Professional Development & Identity Expert is a professional in the field of knowledge and skills related to psychology, psycho-diagnostics, career choice, education, and development of your potential.

You choose Express Diagnostics if:

You want to understand yourself as a professional and build your successful career path

The main purpose of our work will be to find out where you can earn with pleasure and with maximum efficiency.

You will get:
  • 3 individual sessions with the International Professional Development Expert.
  • 2-4 weeks of productive work.
  • Expert will guide you from complete misunderstanding of your professional identity to choosing a job that will bring pleasure and money. It includes assessment of your potential and sustainable aptitutes that will determine your success; analysis of your current development and what needs to be worked out and how.

Result: Finalization the desired position, job format and career goals with you.

You are the head of the company or the owner of the business

The main purpose of our work with you will be to determine the ability of your employee to perform his or her functions with maximum efficiency.

See Professional Development Services for Express Diagnostics Video

You will get:
  • 3 individual sessions with the International Professional Development Expert.
  • 2-4 weeks of productive work when an expert analyses the skills, abilities, and professional characteristics that your candidate/employee can demonstrate in the course of his work, and how it relates to the requirements of your current or planned position and corporate culture of your company.

Result: You will receive information about the candidate’s ability to work effectively, his professional behaviour in various situations and his personal skills.

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